A lady is still a lady, even when she farts!


From Goddess to Pin up to housewife...

The history of women fascinates me; I love to learn how women were portrayed through the ages. Some of the histories give me ‘ah ha’ moments and other info just irks me.

Here is a bit of a history lesson….

Random tidbits

I read in “The History of God” about how women were worshiped and then some Rabbi decided (all on his own, when there are only a few people in the world, so I guess you can make stuff up and nobody knows different) that only men could be Rabbi’s and that women had a place beside men and obeying them. Bending over whenever he was jonesin’ for some.

Prostitutes were valued and paid well, then the church decided (and most likely some disgruntled wives) that whores were dirty and they were put to death. We now know how they are viewed these days…

The Roman Goddesses looked after fertility, trees, love, health, and entire seas. People asked for their protection and guidance.

Nowadays some people think a supermodel is a goddess.

Something wrong here.

All a model happens to do is show the rest of us the clothes we won’t wear, the size we will never be and if you don’t eat, you can make mega bucks.

The pin-up girl brought back the appreciation of the female body (and might have snowballed into porn acceptance) Fully covered-up women in the early 1900’s1900s (have you seen the bathing suits from that time?) started to see the pin-up girls of the wars.

“Women are no longer to be considered little tootsey wootseystootsies who have nothing to do but look pretty. They are determined to take an active part in the community and look pretty too”. ~Lydia Commander, 1909

The pin-up girl was painted on the warplanes and pinned up in soldier quarters. Women worked while the men were away at war and the soldiers had the beauty of a woman to remind them...of a powerful thing…a woman!

Soldiers of WW11 knew who the real pin-up girls” were, the women at home.

The housewife, as portrayed on TV, June Cleaver, seems unreal to us now, always in a dress/skirt, make-up and hair done up. The housewife of the 50″s became outdated and women went to work. Just as in the current time when the woman is doing what a man does. Unforeseen at one time in history.

Women have been looked upon as different creatures, Women have been put in their place, and have evolved into other roles.

Female history is unlike male history. Our roles, portrayals, views, and status have come from one spectrum to another. It is amazing to think of the diverse roles women have played throughout time.

It almost puts claim to the saying “Boys will be boys” The role of a man stayed consistent through time.

A woman has endless bounds of evolution.

A lady is always a lady!

Always holds a door for her, always pulls out her chair, and always ignores the fact that she let one squeak out!

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