We have heard the jokes and puns about men worrying about baldness, somewhat like women worrying about how big their butt looks in their new jeans.
Usually, articles and advice on improving self-confidence, awareness, and image point toward women.
Would the same advice benefit men in the same way?
Do they need their pep talks that would differ from the womanly advice we receive?
What helps?
As many suggest, facing and talking about fears is a good start in managing or overcoming them. Some body-image difficulties affect more people than others, and some are fixed (penis size), while others can be altered or improved. Self-help anxiety and body-image books are a great start and help many people. A therapist can also help you work on these anxieties.
Do men and women have such different body image issues, or do men hide it better than women?
If you search for a healthy self-image, most sites found are about women and self-image issues.
Are women more susceptible to damaging self-image and esteem?
According to Self Image In Recovery, the following creates a better self-image.
Your self-image is developed by how you assess the following factors:
* Physical appearance.
* Shape of your body.
* Accomplishments in academics.
* Achievement in athletics.
* Social skills.
* Value system.
* Skills, abilities, and competencies.
* Relationship with family, relatives, siblings, peer groups, and others.
* Behavior in social and professional situations.
* Background and environment from which you came.
* Roles played in life at school, home, work, and in the community.
* Jobs and job titles held.
* Goals, ambitions, and aspirations for the future.
Well, that gets me thinking even more. The things listed above are not gender oriented. So why are women more affected by such things and have so many problems with self-image?
Or do they, in reality?
It could be that women are apt to buy the magazine and analyze their self-image more than men do, reflecting the abundance of information that is geared towards helping women feel better about themselves.
It now comes down to more questions and not a whole lot of answers, but I feel better about myself today just because I was able to come up with so many questions in the first place.
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